Backstage Pass

3 Gamification Ideas for Winning Virtual Events

Written by Stagedge Team | Jan 4, 2021 8:07:23 PM

Turn Your Event Engagement Into a Friendly Competition

As we kick-off 2021, Virtual Events continue to be the name of the experiential game. So to ensure your upcoming online event experiences are as engaging as possible – we’re sharing our team’s 3 favorite ways to gamify your virtual event.

But first, what is “gamification”?

Gamifying your events means incorporating game-like elements throughout the event to enhance the audience experience, encourage greater engagement, and achieve communications goals.

From session completion metrics, to quizzes, to networking and ice-breakers, gamification presents some great bonding opportunities and offers a fun way for attendees to show their competitive side.

Check out our team’s top 3 gamification ideas below:

1. Scoreboard

Need to ensure your attendees are actively engaging with complex information or training materials? Ensure adherence to your program and materials by making the session a fun competition!

By selecting a Virtual Venue with rich interactivity – you can deploy quizzes, timed sessions, and even a Scoreboard that’s visible to all participants.

When it comes to awarding points – the sky is the limit. From rewarding the first attendees to logon, to recognizing those who spend the most time in session, to awarding points to the most active participants – a bit of healthy competition definitely helps drive engagement.

We've seen prizes range from gift cards to iPads to an extra vacation day. The better the prize, the more engaged your audience will be!

2. Ancestry Journey / City Tour – Google Maps

Use the fact that your attendees are scattered around the world to your advantage!

Consider a networking session in which attendees create custom travel routes on Google Maps. This map can chart the journey of the participant’s ancestors around the globe – or simply highlight the participant’s favorite spots in their own city.

Take the excitement up a notch by having your events team award prizes for ‘Most Creative’ or ‘Most Informative’ Maps.

With cursory knowledge of using Google Maps and screen sharing capabilities – this gamification concept is very easy to get off the ground.

3. Virtual Band / Karaoke

Live music has always been a key ingredient in creating immersive event experiences, the same holds true for virtual events.

Having live musicians integrated into your production is a great way to create high-energy walk-on music for each presenter and original songs that help reinforce your message.

But why not get your presenters and audience involved?

Have presenters perform with your live band and let your attendees vote for the winner. Or play ‘Finish the lyric’ with your online audience.

From at-home concerts by multi-talented attendees to virtual karaoke performances by some of the braver members of your audience – adding music to the mix helps set the pace and keep energy and engagement levels high.

These gamification programs are just a few of the countless engagement activities that can be conducted virtually.

Want to see if your gamification ideas can be conducted during virtual events? Connect with our virtual event experts today!